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Be Prepared – Interview Ready

“Before anything else, preparation is the key to success.” Alexander Graham Bell.

January is the busiest month for job seekers and 2021 is unlikely to be any different. Companies that are recruiting seem to be moving at pace, so it is vital candidates are prepared for an interview (likely virtually) at short notice. It can be harder to show personality (and the level of interaction is different) through virtual channels so be fully prepared for the things you can control.

  • Research the company and the interviewer – consider their branding/ competitors/sites/financials. Most candidates will look at the website etc so try to think outside the box – perhaps you could even experience the product or consider product placement during the interview (I have known candidates wear the company brand when a retail business or post pictures on Facebook when a leisure company).


  • Know your CV – have a copy in front of you and refer to it if needed. Be honest about your reasons for leaving previous companies and apply to your interest in the role/company you are interviewing for.


  • Read the job spec thoroughly – be open about the elements you have limited experience of most employers will want a candidate to grow in the role and will not expect you to be filly compliant with 100% of the role.


  • Ask interesting questions – no questions about sick pay, holiday leave etc think about what you genuinely want to know – what was your interviewers’ journey through the company? what can you expect in your first week/month? what is the company CPD policy? can they share any of the company’s growth plans?


  • Make a good last impression, thank your interviewer for their time ask how they would like your feedback – let them know if you are interested! Remember interviewing is a two-way two street, even us recruiters that have interviewed for years can get nervous, but the good ones are always prepared!